Found Footage: Chiller Theatre’s “Italian Invasion”

The footage you are about to see was recorded at Chiller Theatre’s Toy, Model, and Film Expo on October 27, 2018. This material was shot by two documentary filmmakers who embarked on a trip through the dangerous swamps of New Jersey to produce a film about the spread of horror conventions across the northeastern United States.
“The Italian Invasion” represents some of the only surviving elements of the never-completed documentary. It features a panel comprised of Cannibal Holocaust actor Carl Gabriel Yorke and director Ruggero Deodato, and actress Cinzia Monreale (Beyond the Darkness, The Beyond).
There are some parts where Mr. Deodato struggles a bit with his English, and the camerawork is shaky at times. However, for the sake of authenticity we have decided to present this material in its complete, unedited form.
The crew members and their equipment disappeared shortly after the event. The filmmakers have not been seen or heard from since, and this newly discovered footage has not been viewed by anyone…until now.